• School Based Mental Health and Wellness

    The School-Based Mental Health and Wellness Program (SBMHW) is a new grant-funded program dedicated to providing services, resources and support focused on mental health and welllness across the school communities throughout Siskiyou County.  SCOE's School-Based Mental Health and Wellness Program will partner with schools, families and other organizations serving youth to:
    • Improve social-emotional learning across grade-levels and content areas;
    • We've created the SBMHW Learning HUB to provide educators, parents and families with instant access to resources to support student growth;
    • Provide SEL (Social Emotional Learning) universal screening to identify areas of strength and areas in need of improvement to foster measurable growth and improvement;
    • Connect parents and families to community resources to support mental health and wellness; School Support Resources Website
    • Coach new and experienced teachers in trauma-informed practices, culturally-relevant teaching strategies and restorative practices;
    • Collaborate with schools and districts to develop Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 prevention and intervention strategies;
    • Partner with the Siskiyou County Behavioral Health Department to provide timely Tier 3 services for students on school campuses, and 
    • Develop an ongoing campaign to destigmatize mental health.