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Educational Services Vision Statement

Vision Statement

If our educational community is to provide success for every student, then the Siskiyou County Office of Education Educational Services Department must continue to be an essential resource center.  The following vision statement provides the standards that the Siskiyou County Office of Education Educational Services department will strive to achieve and maintain.

The Educational Services Department is a collaborative, service-oriented team.  Our vision is to work together with other educators to promote and provide exemplary leadership as well as data-driven, research-based, innovative support to school districts, schools, students, and families.

The Educational Services Department provides comprehensive school support by building leadership capacity – both internally and externally.  Staff:


  • Are comprised of exceptional, professional leaders characterized by trust, respect and integrity.
  • Acknowledges the uniqueness of each district and strives to facilitate positive, collaborative relationships with all clients.
  • Provides a diverse menu of services to provide an educational hub that is accessible to the entire community.
  • Models best practices in all areas including leadership, accountability, professional development and use of technology.
  • Takes pride in providing learning opportunities and support that anticipates the educational needs of all our clients and employs a forward thinking, “cutting-edge” approach.
  • Are knowledgeable and provides a level of expertise that matches or surpasses any in the state, and applies this expertise in a way that meets local, rural needs.


To serve as exceptional leaders, the Educational Services Department finds it necessary to be a learning-centered team, which strives to build upon the strengths of each member.  Staff models a commitment to lifelong learning through:


  • Participating in on-going professional learning.
  • Belonging to various regional and state organizations.
  • Facilitating an ongoing professional book study.
  • Maintaining a balance of personal life and work.


Communication is a key element of the Educational Services Department.  Our clients expect prompt, accurate responses to inquiries or requests.  All sources of communication convey timely, researched information.  Staff:


  • Utilizes a wealth of professional contacts through an extensive network system.
  • Produces ongoing communication resources including department web pages, announcements, including monthly newsletters.


The Educational Services Department oversees several unique and vital educational programs and strives to create sustainability for these programs, that are highly valued by the educational community, by making effective use of limited time and resources.  These programs include Siskiyou After-School For Everyone; Science and Outdoor/Watershed Education, French Creek Outdoor School, and Foster Youth Services and Homeless Education Programs.