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Operating Principles

1.   Significance, strategy, clarity – We will:

  • Focus on trends in education that are progressive (research-based, best practices)
  • Be clear on our focus, goals, learn and know what we need to know, measure and act on the results
  • Be service oriented – modeling best practices, providing the essential resource center for our educational community.

2.   Quality, connectedness, clarity – We will: 

Remain current and well informed about best practices, processes and resources before incorporating them into our work or recommendations to districts. 

3.  Responsibility – We will:

  • Make positive contributions to support the success of all students
  • Identify develop and share information and techniques that improve student learning
  • Regularly communicate key knowledge and learning to internal (SCOE personnel) and external (districts/those we serve) audiences
  • Assess our work and welcome direct and honest feedback so we can learn and grow

4.   Passion creates – We will encourage:

  • The contagious enthusiasm that drives a collaborative, service-oriented team
  • The inspiration that builds team success
  • The need to continually evaluate, modify, and improve program quality

5.  Commitment – We will:

  • Participate as lifelong learners
  • Model best practices
  • Strive to be competent, consistent, and supportive to the Educational Services team and to our clients

6.  Integrity, openness, modeling, ethics – We will:

  • Promote the perception of the COE as a model organization
  • Provide quality programs to those we serve regardless of budgetary constraints
  • Cultivate and maintain relationships with those we serve
  • Count on each other for support as a team

7.  Purpose, goals – We will:

  • Commit to ongoing assessment, both formative and summative, to inform our work
  • Use results of assessments to guide our work
  • Modify our work as needed in order to meet the needs of our clients in order to live up to our mission

8.    Flexibility – We will:

  • Acknowledge the uniqueness of each district and strive to facilitate positive, collaborative relationships with all clients
  • Provide learning opportunities that support the unique educational needs of clients
  • Provide a diverse menu of services to provide an educational hub that is accessible to the entire community
  • Adapt educational programs to meet needs of special populations of students and strive to create sustainability for these programs
  • Hear and respect the expertise of our colleagues and encourage the sharing of their experiences at administrators meetings and other professional development