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California Health Education Professional Learning Series

Health Education Framework

The primary purpose of the Framework is to provide guidance to teachers of health education that will assist them in addressing significant changes to health education instruction.

This is a statewide effort to provide professional learning and resources for the implementation of the Framework.

The Framework offers up to date, relevant guidance on the Why, What, and How of teaching comprehensive health education in grades K-12.  Research clearly demonstrates that healthy students and better learners.  Now more than ever, we have a responsibility to improve the health literacy of our students so they can lead healthy lives that support their learning now, as well as ensure they are college, career, and life ready.

Health Education builds the knowledge and the skills of students around positive physical and mental health behaviors, healthy social emotional skills, as well as evidence-based trauma healing and stress reduction/management strategies.

Health Education content includes: nutrition & physical activity; growth, development, & sexual health; violence prevention & safety; tobacco & substance use prevention; mental & social emotional health; and personal & community health.

Please check back as we will be adding resources during the school year.

For additional information: contact Mark (Marcus) Mitchinson at .