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Substitute Teacher Information

Becoming a Substitute Teacher in Siskiyou County


What do I need to be a substitute teacher in Siskiyou County?

  • Valid California Teaching Credential and/or Substitute Permit
  • Background clearance (fingerprinting) by Siskiyou Ed. Consortium ($55 fee, cash or money order accepted)
  • Up-to-date TB test
  • Register with SCOE for Siskiyou County substitute teacher listing
  • Keenan Trainings: Mandated Reporter and Sexual Harassment (


How to obtain a Substitute Permit:

All first-time Siskiyou County applicants must be recommended by the Siskiyou County Office of Education. The following information is required for such a recommendation:

  • Bachelor’s Degree
  • Copy of the CBEST verification of passing score report or qualified coursework (checked and verified by HR)
  • Official transcripts
  • Active e-mail account information
  • Fingerprinting processing fees (cash or check)
  • $100 application submission fee (Visa, MasterCard, debit card, or gift card)*

*Upon receiving the necessary recommendation from the Siskiyou County Office of Education, first-time applicants will receive an e-mail from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing requesting payment by credit/debit card ($100 application fee) as well as instructions on the application completion process.


How to get fingerprinted (Live Scan):

California Education Code requires background clearances for individuals applying for first-time credentials/permits and for initial employment as a teacher or substitute teacher in a school district or county office of education.

Fingerprints are taken with Live Scan equipment located at the Siskiyou County Office of Education and transmitted electronically to the California Department of Justice (DOJ) for processing. The results of this Live Scan are then transmitted to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing via confidential e-mail.

An appointment is required for this process. Call Joy Torres, 842-8407, to make an appointment.

Although you may have been previously fingerprinted for other purposes, we cannot access that information just as other agencies are unable to access your fingerprint information taken through us.

Fingerprint processing fees are part of the credential process. The fees must be paid to Siskiyou County Office of Education (SCOE) either in cash or check made payable to SCOE.


Credential Requirements/Initial Employment

Initial  Employment Only

DOJ Processing Fee:


DOJ Processing Fee:


SCOE Rolling Fee:


SCOE Rolling Fee:


Total Fee:


Total Fee:




SCOE publishes a list of eligible substitute teachers as a service to school districts countywide. Your name will be placed on the list when SCOE has received the following documents:

  • Copy of teaching credential or substitute permit
  • Completed application for Temporary County Certificate allowing employment while permit or credential is being processed, if applicable
  • Verification of background clearance by the Department of Justice
  • Certificate of Completion of Child Abuse and Neglect Mandated Reporter Training

Once your name is placed on the list, districts/schools may contact you for substitute teaching employment.

Most districts employing substitute teachers require proof of a negative Tuberculin Skin test. It is beneficial to carry your TB Skin Test verification with you, as each employer (district) will request a copy for their records.