2024 Meeting Dates
The Siskiyou County Board of Education welcomes you to its regular meetings scheduled on the third Wednesday of each month at 2 p.m, unless otherwise noted. The meetings are held at the Siskiyou County Office of Education in the Siskiyou Room, or other posted location, and available by Zoom (for broadcast purposes only). Zoom access information is included on each agenda. Your interest is encouraged and appreciated. Board agenda materials are available at the Siskiyou County Office of Education at 609 S. Gold Street, Yreka, CA, or online at Siskiyou County Board of Education / County Board of Education Meeting Packets (siskiyoucoe.net)
- January 17
- February 21
- March 20
- April 17
- May 15
- June 25*
- June 26*
- July 17
- August 21
- September 18 - 6 p.m.
- October 16
- November 20
- December 11* - moved to December 18 due to lack of quorum
*board meetings not scheduled on the third Wednesday of the month