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Extreme Science Program (ESP)

Extreme Science Program About Us Video

Are you interested in taking your students to Horse Camp on Mt. Shasta, or doing a frog dissection in the classroom? If so, you have come to the right place. The Extreme Science Program was created to be both an in-class and out in the field experience for students. Interested schools contract with the Siskiyou County Office of Education for the Outdoor Education Specialist’s time. Teachers then choose from a list of activities provided. Our Outdoor Education Specialist then contacts the teacher to discuss details and dates of the activity(s) they have chosen. Currently our Extreme Science Program consists of eight in-class projects and 17 out in the field programs. If you have an idea for a project not listed on our menu, please feel free to contact us about it.
Jason Singleton
Outdoor Science Education Specialist
Educational Services
Outdoor Science Education Specialist
Educational Services
Outdoor Science Education Specialist
Educational Services
Administrative Secretary
Educational Services