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Local Control Accountability Plan

As part of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools are required to develop, adopt, and annually update a three-year Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). The LCAP describes how the district will spend the funds and it's goals for improving student outcomes according to the eight state priorities.

Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)

The California 2013-14 Budget Act and related legislation (Assembly Bill 97, Senate Bill 97, and Senate Bill 91) made significant changes to the State public school funding system.  The legislation introduced the new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) which simplified the funding process and strengthened local accountability.  Through the LCFF, local educational agencies (LEAs) receive funds based on local student demographics.  The Legislative Analyst’s Office overview of LCFF includes an explanation of the new school funding system

A plan called the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) is a requirement of the LCFF funding formula.  LEAs are required to use the State-approved LCAP template to develop a plan that includes annual goals and actions that will be implemented to meet the eight State priorities.  The LCFF requires County Offices of Education to approve the LCAPs and budgets for districts within their county.  Contact the Siskiyou County Office of Education with questions about LCFF and LCAP.

Local Control and Accountability Plans

The Local Control Funding Formula requires that information be made available to the public regarding how state funds are spent.  After the plans are approved by both the local governing boards and SCOE, final LCAPs (including any necessary updates and revisions) will be posted for the following:

  • Big Springs Union Elementary School District
  • Bogus Elementary School District
  • Butte Valley Unified School District
  • Butteville Elementary School District
  • Delphic Elementary School District
  • Dunsmuir Union Elementary School District
  • Dunsmuir Joint Union High School District
  • Forks of Salmon Elementary School District
  • Gazelle Elementary School District
  • Golden Eagle Charter School District
  • Grenada Elementary School District
  • Happy Camp Elementary School District
  • Hornbrook Elementary School District
  • Junction Elementary School District
  • Klamath River Elementary School District
  • Little Shasta Elementary School District
  • McCloud Elementary School District
  • Montague Elementary School District
  • Mount Shasta Elementary School District
  • Northern United Siskiyou Charter School District
  • Scott Valley Unified School District
  • Seiad Elementary School District
  • Siskiyou Union High School District
  • Weed Elementary School District
  • Willow Creek Elementary School District
  • Yreka Union Elementary School District
  • Yreka High School District
  • Siskiyou County Office of Education

 LCAP Trainings

The Siskiyou County Office of Education (SCOE) provides ongoing technical assistance to local districts to support their development of the LCAP and related budget.  SCOE holds a series of training sessions annually to assist districts with developing data-driven, pupil-centered LCAPs that address state and local requirements.

 Developing an LCAP

Local Educational Agencies were first required by the Local Control Funding Formula to develop and adopt a three-year Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) by July 1, 2014, with plans updated annually.  The LCAP describes how the agencies will address the state and local priorities by setting annual goals for all the students and each significant subgroup of students.  Also, the actions that will be taken to meet the goals must be included and the adopted budget must be aligned to the actions and services in the plan.

The LCAP should include these components:

Budget Overview for Parents:

  • Includes a summary of all general fund revenues and expenditures, including the amount of supplemental and concentration grant funds, the amount budgeted for meeting the needs of unduplicated pupils, and the amount actually spent in the previous year to meet the needs of these students.

Plan Summary:

  • Briefly describes the students and community and how the district serves them, lists the highlights of the upcoming year, gives a brief summary of the greatest progress and areas of need, and any identified performance gaps.

Annual Update:

  • Describes the implementation of actions and services, and provides an analysis of the effectiveness of those actions and services toward meeting the LCAP goals. Also provides an explanation of any material differences between the planned actions and the actual actions.

Stakeholder Engagement:

  • Describes the process used to engage parents, students, and the community, and how this contributed to the plan.

Goals, Actions and Services:

  • Describes the annual goals and lists the actions and services that will be implemented to meet the goals.

Increased and Improved Services:

  • Describes how supplemental and concentration funds will be used to meet the needs of the unduplicated pupils.

Expenditure Tables:

  • Expenditures tables are included to show the overall amount of funds budgeted in the LCAP. The tables break down the expenditures into total expenditures as well as those that are contributing to the increased and improved services requirement, and form part of the Annual Update.

LCAP State Priorities

There are eight state priorities that must be addressed in the LCAP (County Offices of Education have two additional priorities). The priorities are grouped into three categories: Conditions for Learning, Engagement, and Pupil Outcomes. Each LCAP goal may include more than one priority.


State LCAP Priorities


Conditions for Learning

Priority 1: Basic Services

Compliance with Williams requirements: appropriate teacher assignment, sufficient instructional materials, and facilities in good repair.

Priority 2: Implementation of State Standards

Implementation of the academic content and performance standards adopted by the State Board of Education, including how the programs and services will enable English Learners to access the common core academic content standards and the English Language Development standards.

Priority 7: Course Access

The extent to which pupils have access to, and are enrolled in, a broad course of study that includes core subject areas (i.e., English, mathematics, social science, science, visual and performing arts, health, physical education, career and technical education, etc.) including the programs and services developed and provided to economically disadvantaged pupils, English learners, foster youth, and individuals with exceptional needs.

Priority 9: Expelled Youth (County Offices of Education Only)

Coordination of instruction with other agencies regarding expelled youth.

Priority 10: Foster Youth (County Offices of Education Only)

Coordination of services with other agencies regarding foster youth.


Priority 3: Parent Involvement

Parental involvement, including efforts the school district makes to seek parent input in making decisions for the school district and each individual school site, and how the school district promotes parental participation in programs for the economically disadvantaged pupils, English learners, foster youth, and individuals with exceptional needs.

Priority 5: Pupil Engagement

Pupil Engagement as measured by multiple indicators including, but not limited to, rates associated with attendance, chronic absenteeism, dropout (middle and high school), and high school graduation.

Priority 6: School Climate

School climate a measured by multiple indicators including, but not limited to, pupil suspension and expulsion rates as well as other local measures assessing safety and school connectedness.

Pupil Outcomes

Priority 4: Pupil Achievement

Pupil Achievement as measured by multiple indicators including, but not limited to, assessment data, college readiness, and language proficiency.

Priority 8: Other Pupil Outcomes

Pupil outcomes, if available, in the subject areas comprising a broad course of study.